I feel that by responding to these malicious rumors, I am lowering myself to the level of these scallywags. But in the interest of ship morale I have decided to address several of the accusations/slanderous statements that are floating around the ship.
First and foremost: Yes, the ships engines are “used.” But, they have very low mileage! I inspected them myself when they were being installed and let me assure you they are perfectly adequate.
As to the related question, “Why did you buy used engines for a cruise ship and thereby endanger the lives of hundreds of your passengers?” The answer is quite simple & obvious: to pass the savings onto you, THE PASSENGERS (duh!)

Also I would like to let you all know that I purchased an extended warranty/service contract with the engines. If I was just a “dumbass captain” would I do that?
Yes, I’ve seen the graffiti. “Dumbass” is just one of several personal insults spray-painted around the ship, but the only one appropriate for this family publication. Make no mistake, we will find the perpetrator(s) and the cost of cleaning off the graffiti will be added to their final bill.
And now for some bad news. We are experiencing some difficulties in locating a mechanic who specializes in large-scale nuclear naval engines to come out and fix the dang things. I can’t even get one to return my calls. Plus, we are not entirely sure where we are right now, and with our luck the poor guy would just be sailing around in circles trying to find us, wasting his time and wasting our money. (And yes, of course, a mechanic could be a guy or a girl – I have met some damn fine lady mechanics in my day!)
As per my Captain duties, I will be attempting to fix the engines myself. So if you don’t see quite as much of me these days, feel safe in the knowledge that I will be cloistered deep in the bowels of the ship, beavering away with a screwdriver and other assorted items from the ship’s toolbox. Feel free to join me, but only if you intend to help diagnose and fix the engines. Just coming down there to yell and scream at me isn’t going to fix anything.
So just sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of your trip. Don’t think of this as being stranded at sea – think of it as an extended vacation!
Hard to believe, but not everybody on the ship is bitching and moaning about food rationing and backed-up plumbing. Instead of worrying about things you have no control over, why not consider another visit to our Peppermint Lounge?
There are few select entertainers in this world who have climbed their way to the top rung of the show business ladder, and exist in the rarefied air of super-duper mega stardom. One of the perks of being a megastar is that people are forced to call you by one name: Elvis, Cher, Madonna, Prince, Beyoncé, etc. We are lucky enough to have one of these entertainers on our very own ship. The extremely talented ReW* continues her run at the Peppermint Lounge.

Finally, I’d like to end things on an “up” note. We have an orphan on board! Two of our passengers (husband and wife) were unable to deal with the current situation and threw themselves overboard last night. Lucky for us they left behind an adorable little kid.
So join me in welcoming our new Honorary Cabin Boy, Jimmy Fitzsimmons!
Climb Aboard the SS Ted McGinley
with IRTE in...
Saturdays, April 4, 11 & 18, 8:00 pm
at The Producer's Club
358 W 44th St, NYC
between 8th & 9th Ave.
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