By Tyler Kevin
IRTE, the studio that struck improvisation gold this year with their throwback to the 80’s sitcom, “Wow Wee! Adventures of a Little Girl Robot,” and their lost-at-sea descent into chaos, “Adrift,” are at it again. This time imagine smashing together “Adrift” and “Wow Wee!” and then throw in a dash of last year’s secret agent romp, “The League of Extraordinary Blondes” and you’ve got “Calamity!”
Opening in July, the Improvisational Repertory Theatre Ensemble (yeah, IRTE - pronounced like ‘dirty’ without the ‘d’ - is much easier to say!), is pulling out all the stops and going full blockbuster for their final production of their 2015 season. And when we say blockbuster, we mean BLOCKBUSTER!
Although the news coming out so far has been very hush-hush, me and the other “That Guy” Movie Guide guys are digging up as much as we can. And even though a trailer hasn’t even surfaced yet (we promise we’ll snag that for you as soon as we can!) we CAN tell you that they’re going to switch up the cast every week and LET THE AUDIENCE DECIDE how the planet is gonna get destroyed!
Whoa. Wait a second. I better back it up for you.
First I gotta tell you that “Calamity!” is a full-on improvised blockbuster disaster movie made up and performed on the spot right before your eyes. Talk about 3-D!
These crazy cats at IRTE have always been into pushing the limits of improv and destroying each other (and their audience!) with all kinds of fight scenes and mayhem, but this time they’ve really outdone themselves. We’re talking totally catastrophic global annihilation - like end of the world type sh#t!
And they’ll be joined at these special limited-time screenings by the superstar recording artists responsible for all the killer music on the original soundtrack - Carla Ulbrich, Tym Moss, and Mr. David Jay. What else?!
IRTE members Curt Dixon, Nannette Deasy, Jamie Maloney, and Robert Baumgardner will all be returning. Relative newcomer, William Berg, is directing and boy are we excited to see what this talented team has pulled together for us this time! Rounding out the cast are familiar GIRTEs (Guests of IRTE) - Evie Aronson, Melissa Jourdana Cole, and Sam Katz. And joining in on the fun for his first adventure with this ragtag bunch is local favorite, Nate Betancourt. This cast is sure to save your summer if not save the world!!

“Calamity!” runs 3 Saturdays in July at 8 p.m. at The Producer’s Club
July 11, 18, and 25 -- 358 W 44th Street, New York, NY
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