By Tyler Kevin
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Hey guys! I know I promised you I’d share the trailer for IRTE’s latest show, ‘Calamity!’ as soon as I got my hands on it, but I’ve been - uh - indisposed for the last week or so. Turns out what’s legal in Colorado is supposed to stay in Colorado. Thanks for the heads-up, dudes!
Anyway, as you can see by the change in my header, I’ve struck out on my own and am no longer with those guys at “That Guy” Movie Guide.
It’s great to be C.E.O.!!
Bu-uh -- I DO have the ‘Calamity!’ trailer, along with some other great goodies from the fine folks at IRTE!
So strap in and get ready for some action. You’re gonna need to because the latest production out of IRTE’s fun factory is a knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred BLOCKBUSTER extravaganza!
That’s right - these guys (and gals!) have really outdone themselves. There was a freakin’ hurricane on that stage this past Saturday night. A hurricane of CATS! And there’s no tellin’ what’s gonna happen next time. YOU. GET. TO. DECIDE!!!
I know it sounds crazy that no one knows what they’re gonna be up against until seconds before the show starts, but - hey! - that’s what these guys (and gals!) do!
Not only that, they had as their very special musical guest none other than Carla Ulbrich, one of the stars whose music appears on the ‘Calamity!’ soundtrack, and she’s just as funny and talented as the rest of that crazy bunch. She had me and the rest of the audience in stitches with her song about one particular word that starts with the letter ‘f’!
I don’t want to give too much away - and I can’t because they make that sh*t up! - but you just gotta trust me on this and get your butts in those seats for the wild ride that is IRTE’s ‘Calamity!’
You’ve got just 2 more chances to do just that. And you can’t go wrong with the musical guests they’ve got lined up for their next 2 shows. On July 18, you’ll get to see the luminous Tym Moss. And at their final performance on July 25, the ever daring and spectacular Mr. David Jay will tear up the stage! (What’s left of it!)
So put your thinking caps on, get your ass in gear to the Producer’s Club, and tell this band of action heroes (and villains and love interests) what disaster we need them to save the world from!
“Calamity!” runs 2 more Saturdays in July at
8 p.m. at The Producer’s Club
July 18 and 25 -- 358 W 44th Street, New York, NY
Here’s some links -- the goodies that I promised you. Check ‘em out!!
https://youtu.be/yZSKqbaFXlg -- Calamity! movie trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jrs2ngrd5dk -- Radio Show on Youtube - entire show (2 hrs)
http://yotina.podomatic.com/ entry/2015-07-13T12_49_27-07_ 00 -- Hustlin’ Awesome Show clip on PodOmatic
http://carlau.com -- Carla Ulbrich’s website
http://tymmoss.com -- Tym Moss’s website
https://www.facebook.com/ MrDavidJay -- Mr. David Jay’s Facebook page
Until next time. Take it from me, Tyler Kevin, and This Guy! Movie Guide!!
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