Letters from Camp 1984-85
Jamie Maloney
12-13 years old
(Errors preserved)
(Errors preserved)

It has rained for two days and we are making rockets. The other day a kid wrote on the outside of our bunk and had to paint it over. We got into a water fight yesterday with another bunk. I got the money you sent and I want you to send me some candy. How are the cats? Don’t forget the 9 volt batteries for my game. We saw some dumb movies, war games and the outsiders. Don’t forget the batteries and candy.
Love Jamie
P.S. Say hello to Papa and grandma when they come back.
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Ireally don’t need to use my suntan lotion. I don’t have much to say but I’m writing this letter because I’m bored. Just send about 10 dollars and some candy and gum and a game magazine or some thing like that.
Love Jamie

Yesterday I went down the waterfall. I didn’t get hurt. Today I got a big cut on my foot.We went to Beltzville a beach kind of thing. I got the batteries and gum. There is nothing left in the care package but I still got the 4 packs of gum you sent thanks.
Love Jamie
Dear Mommy and Daddy
I got the candy and am sharing it. I built a rocket and will launch it soon. We had 4th of July fire works. Today someone pushed me in
the lake and I got a big hole in my tonge after I bit it. Tell me when Papa and grandma come back so I can write to them. We have this big brother thing where you get a big pal or little pal. I got a big pal. his name is Mark, he works in the kitchen. It has been raining since Friday.
Love Jamie
I got the card and presents you sent me. Today was olympic day but it got rained out. Papa sent me zabars cookies.
Love Jamie
Dear Mommy and Daddy,

read one of the Mads but thats ok. Thanks for the presents. I really like the stickers. Those magazines are really neat. This kid in our bunk takes everybodys stuff without asking. He takes my football game when I dont want him to. And when I tell him not to play it he does anyway.
Love Jamie
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I don’t have much to say but I have to write.
Love Jamie
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at The Producer's Club
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