Friday, May 25, 2018

Meet Layla Lowe Wilcox - Heiress, Modern Woman, Femme Fatale

Layla Lowe Wilcox is wealthy, fearlessly independent, and wildly misunderstood. A columnist for the LA Herald, she writes under a pen name, so no one is the wiser. Layla Lowe earns ger living, but most people believe she's never lifted a dainty, well-manicured finger in her life.  The truth is, between what her father and her ex-husband left Layla in their will, she's got enough cush (money) to fall back on for ten life times.

As a child, Layla Lowe got a taste of the gangtails (horseraces). She and her pals would put on their glad rags (fancy clothes) every Saturday and go to the gangtails (horseraces) and then to the casino on Sunday. You can still find Layla there every weekend. Around the tracks, she's known as “Lady Luck,” cause she never could bet on a losing horse.

Even when Layla was married to Herbert Wilcox, she enjoyed a certain independence. Herbert was a shyster (lawyer) worked long hours, never cared too much about her comings and goings. They got along swell. Until one night, not so long ago, Layla found him in his study with a shiv in his back. Police still haven’t figured out who killed him. They figure it was some droppers (hired killers) with a grudge, repaying her husband for a three spot (three years in jail) their boss was doing in the slammer.

Layla Lowe Wilcox at the "Gangtails"
with local jockey.
Two weeks later, the croaker (doctor) declared Layla's father dead after a couple of troubled boys (gangsters) robbed the rattler (train) he was on and put the screws on (questioned him) him about where he hiding his scratch (money) and ice (diamonds).  Cornelius Lowe was a proud, self-made man, a little too proud, if you ask just about anyone. He wouldn’t talk and it landed him in the back of the meat wagon (ambulance). Now Layla Lowe Wilcox is alone, and on the hunt for her next husband. She says she won’t be too quick to jump into anything though; she enjoys her freedom too much.

Come meet all the Dames, Dicks and Gangsters at...
Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. 
May 18 & 19, June 1 & 2

The Producer’s Club
358 W 44th St, New York, NY
Tickets: $15

Promotional Sponsorship Provided by Jay Michaels Arts & Entertainment

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