Monday, July 25, 2016

Ravening Mummies, Fascist Elephants, and a Fearless Lady Archaeologist

Meet IRTE’s New Jersey Nora

"New Jersey" Nora. Photo Courtesy of Roberto Tobar

by Jeff O'Leary

Back by popular demand, IRTE’s archaeological adventure show, ‘Dig,’ will be making a very special appearance at the Midtown International Theater Festival -- featuring New Jersey Nora, a very special lady archaeologist.  Guest star Jeff O’Leary interviewed our heroine to learn what makes this brilliant and intrepid adventuress tick.  Read on!

How did you get your start as an archaeologist/explorer? Any mentors, people you pattern you career after?
Mummies are fun on dates but they have commitment issues
My passion for archaeology began as a small child. I traveled the globe with my parents Norman and Noelle Netless who were famous aerialists for Giggling Brothers World of Wonders Circus. They were the headliners until tragically murdered by a Nazi elephant. Spending my earliest years under the big top, I learned many skills invaluable to a budding archaeologist - knife throwing, whip wielding, sharp-shooting, horseback riding, flying aircraft, and Sanskrit. After my parents untimely demise, I was sent to live with my great uncle Alpheus Leakey Fawcett, an Egyptopaleoanthroapologist at Camden, New Jersey's renowned University of University. It was he who instilled in me a great respect for rescuing ancient antiquities from moldering ruins and indifferent governments and placing them where they belong - IN A MUSEUM! (preferably a Western one).

Batman has his Robin, Obama has his Biden -- any sidekicks that you have fond feelings for?

I've gone through TA's like a hot knife through butter. A TA's career in my class is often short-lived (literally). The "field research" can be a bit...fraught...  Sadly, I can barely remember the faces of many of my teachers assistants. It's a blur ('cause they've usually been ripped off by some mummy).

Book of the Dead -- not appropriate bedtime reading
New Jersey Nora in action! Photo Courtesy of Roberto Tobar
However, there was one companion who will always have a special place in my heart. Her name was Rags, an orphan who stowed away in my steamer trunk while I was lecturing on the dangers of reading aloud from the Book of the Dead at the British Museum in London. I'm pretty sure Rags wasn't her family name, but it seemed appropriate given her deplorable fashion sense. I taught her so many things during our many adventures together - how to drive a stick shift, how to remove blood stains from khaki, hiding in wicker baskets, dusting, and that monkeys are not your friends...

It can get pretty lonely out there in the jungle. Is there are special someone in your life that keeps you company when you are on the trail of a rare artifact?

I'm a romantic. I've been married countless times and never divorced (usually because of mummies).

Indiana Jones is famously afraid of snakes. What sort of things give you the creeps?

Elephants with Fascist leanings.

Do you have a "bucket list" of archaeological discoveries?

I've been hot on the trail of unearthing Jesus' Yearbook. Fingers crossed!

Want to see more of New Jersey Nora?  Then don't miss this special performance of IRTE’s Dig:

Midtown International Theater Festival
Saturday, July 30 at 9 PM - 9:45 PM
WorkShop Theater's Jewel Box Theater,
312 West 36th Street, Fourth Floor,
New York, NY 10018
Tickets: $20

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